Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sunshine After Storm

After yesterdays misfortune I was a little down and disappointed it's hard watch your account go from $230 to $80 on a few hours. Last night, after blogging, I played a few more hands playing a solid game at 4 tables. I managed to win 2 buy-ins which was great.

Today has also been prosperous I'm up another 3.5 buy-ins 4 tables now seems like no sweat and I can make optimal decisions playing this amount. No real interesting hands came up in this session jsut that standard. Things could've been even better had I not got stacked KK to AA AIPF but hey that's a cooler in my books.

Reflecting back on yesterday I will readily admit Im not ready to 8 table but something struck me today. I recalled someone talking about a conversation with boosted J who 10 tables saying he said that he will go on 10 buy-in downswings regularly. This made me think playing this many tables and running the way I was it was inevitable but there are a few inexcusable plays i made including misclicks which I wouldnt have made playing fewer tables so I think for the moment the absolute max I will play is 6 but usually only 4.

so as it stands the total damage is that I am only down 3 buy-ins on my pokertracker. The overall aim after yesterday for the month was just to break even so that looks possible for the month I would be ecstatic if I could make it back to where I was previously + 5 buy-ins for the month but this seems unlikely even though it would only give a small bb/100. Quite simply I haven't played well at Nl this month and breaking even would be a win. next month i believe I can do extremely well, learning from this months mistakes.

bankroll - $135


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